About Conference
Conference Series welcomes you to “World Congress on Humanoid Robots & Artificial Intelligence” (Humanoid Robots 2023). This international event is going to showcase many facts and diversities in the field of Humanoid Robots & Artificial Intelligence. Humanoid Robots 2023 has been slated during February 24-25, 2023 in the beautiful city of Frankfurt, Germany.
This World Congress on Humanoid Robots & Artificial Intelligence is based on the theme “Advancements & Innovations in Humanoid Robots & Artificial Intelligence”.
Humanoid Robots 2023 will include international experts in the fields of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, as well as international symposiums, B2B events, and seminars focused on particular topics of AI such as Computational Intelligence, brain imaging, Robotic Surgery, Cognitive Robotics, Robot & Automation, Robot Locomotion & Navigation, and Industrial Applications of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences.
Target Audience:
Automation and Robotics Lab Directors/Associates
Head of the Departments from the field of Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Mechatronics, Control systems
Artificial intelligence researchers and academicians
Robotics doctorates
Control systems and Mechatronics expertise
Professors and Students from Academia in the study of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence field.
Artificial Intelligence Lab Directors/Associates
Control systems and Mechatronics expertise
The conference's aim is to recognise and comprehend different advances in Robotics. As a result, the Humanoid Robots & Artificial intelligence conference offers a forum for all attendees to explore Advantages of Robotics in future.
Conference Brochure:
To download the conference Brochure, please fill the required details in the Form and click on Download Brochure. Humanoid Robots 2023 Brochure can be downloaded.
Covid-19 Guidelines:
Our Humanoid Robots 2023 organizing team assure you that we will take all the necessary precautions underlined by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) along with local state authorities. Our Conference team is working 24/7 to ensure your safety which is why we are operating round the clock and regularly examining the situation.
Currently, our conference team is approaching details with care. We consider that transparent communication with our speakers, delegates, and team members is important. Along with our venue partners, we will be implementing Health & Safety protocols to lower the risk of transmissions during the event.
This Upcoming Humanoid Robots 2023 has also developed a multi-model approach, which includes sanitization of high-touch areas, encouraging social distancing, temperature check and mask-wearing in the venue, taking into account every aspects of the delegate experience. We have also united our efforts with health and safety experts in order that you'll enjoy the conference offerings with utmost ease and confidence.
About Germany VISA

For conference attendance and participation only Business Visa should be applied. Contact your nearest travel agent/visa information centre/Germany Embassy for the correct application form. All visas for visiting Germany shall be processed by respective authorities only upon submission of proper documents through proper channel.
In case of non-furnishing of documents, non-adherence to guidelines visas shall be cancelled by respective authorities. The minimum supportive documents that might be required while applying for Germany visa include:
Letter of Invitation.
Abstract acceptance letter (if speaker).
Registration payment receipt.
Accommodation confirmation letter issued under conference letter head.
For letter of invitation and accommodation confirmation, payment of registration fees and accommodation charges is a pre-requisite. Mandate documents required from conference secretariat should be obtained only through Humanoid Conference Organizing team. Click here to know more
Why To Attend?
We make an effort to mark “World Congress on Humanoid Robots & Artificial Intelligence” a success, with your support and high quality talks from both Robotics as well as Artificial Intelligence committees. During the conference, we assure you that you will experience world class facilities and hospitality at the conference.
Humanoid Robots 2023 is a unique forum to bring together worldwide distinguished academics in the field of Robotics researchers, Artificial Intelligence professionals, scientists, academic scientists, industry researchers, scholars to exchange about state of the art research and technologies. The Conference will feature many exciting academic programs including multiple panels, workshops, affinity group lunches, paper presentations, and scientific sessions by reputed psychiatrists from all over the country. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates are the highlights of this conference.
Keynote sessions by eminent researchers
Top Industry Representations
Thought provoking Symposia’s and Workshops
Preconference workshops in all major countries
Outstanding Young Researcher Award
Group Registration benefits
Scientific Sessions
Scientific Session 1: Robotics

In robotics, the advantageous connection between AI and AI machine learning allows robots and autonomous systems to manipulate physical objects more productively than people, while ceaselessly improving and upgrading their exhibition over the long haul. Robots have been utilized in assembling for quite a long time, however, as innovation advances; we are seeing expanding independence and expansion of cycles in both creation and administration. Robots are broadly utilized in industry 4.0 to either completely computerize creation, or expand and help the human labour force, making the creation cycle more secure, more proficient, and savvy.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 2: Humanoid Robots

Humanoid robots are supposed to exist and work in a cozy relationship with people in the ordinary world and serve the necessities of genuinely impeded individuals. These robots should have the option to adapt to the wide assortment of assignments and articles experienced in unique unstructured conditions. Humanoid robots for individual use for old and hindered people ought to be safeguarded and easy to use. In this manner, humanoid robots need a lightweight body, high adaptability, numerous sorts of sensors, and high knowledge. The fruitful presentation of these robots to human conditions will depend on the improvement of human-accommodating parts.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 3: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) may possibly be utilized to give thinking and choice help on designing and specialized difficulties. The job of AI in modern plans, which is the act of working on the capability, worth, and feels of items to advance consumer loyalty, has not yet been widely investigated. Artificial intelligence systems work dominatingly on named arranging information, analysing the information for affiliations and models, and utilizing these advisers to make presumptions in regards to future states.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 4: AI in Humanoid Robotics

Artificial Intelligence is being utilized generally by all businesses, may it be the assembling business or the medical care industry. Artificial Intelligence and AI-controlled robots are the future we are checking out. The level at which humanoid robots can connect with people is very restricted. This is where Artificial Intelligence is basic. It can assist with translating orders, questions, and articulations and could try and have the option to give clever, mocking answers and figure out irregular, vague human ramblings.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 5: Mechatronics

Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary field that alludes to the ranges of abilities required in the contemporary, high-level robotized producing industry. At the crossing point of mechanics, gadgets, and registering, mechatronics experts make easier, more brilliant frameworks. Mechatronics is a fundamental starting point for the normal development in mechanization and assembling. Mechatronics manages mechanical technology, control systems, and electromechanical systems.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 6: Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery has developed to address a few of the vital issues with laparoscopic medical procedures and further develop considerably further on the specialist expanding the capacity of performing complex tasks through little entry points in beforehand testing to get to the region of the body. While our careful robots are not yet working freely with the specialist, setting this as the benchmark for what dazzles us harms the unfathomable intricacy of the innovation right now being used, and reduces its effect on the field.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 7: Application of AI in Robotics

Artificial Intelligence in robotics makes such machines more effective with self-learning skill to perceive the new items. Be that as it may, right now, advanced mechanics are utilized at the modern reason and in different fields to play out the different activities with the ideal exactness at higher productivity, and better than people. With the assistance of Artificial Intelligence, a robot can connect and get a handle on an item without the requirement for a human regulator. Simulated intelligence upgraded route and movement control. Through upgraded AI capacities, robots gain expanded independence, diminishing the requirement for people to design and oversee route ways and interaction streams.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 8: Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a somewhat new innovation containing programming specialists called 'bots' that mirror the manual way taken by a human through a scope of PC applications while playing out specific errands in a business cycle. The undertakings that bots perform are commonly rule-based, all around organized, and dull. Instances of assignments that bots perform incorporate information move between applications through screen scratching, robotized email question handling, and examination of finance information from various sources.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 9: Industrial robots

Industrial robots are assuming an essential part in the assembling business. They are by and large utilized as pay loader, welding, painting, gathering, bundling, and other significant applications. These sorts of robots are computerized, programmable too as can move in each of the three layered tomahawks. The end effector of a Industrial robots is one of the essential pieces of the robot which is utilized by the robot to speak with the climate. Accordingly to put the end effector in the ideal situation with impeccable timing is the most difficult occupation for an Industrial robot.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 10: Industrial Applications of Robotics

Robots are assuming a vital part in ventures. The fundamental errand in the mechanical technology is to arrive at the end effector at wanted position. Robots are utilized in each area like clinics, mining, home grown reason, ventures and so forth. The converse kinematic mechanical technology issue has ended up being of extraordinary importance on the grounds that the arrangements found give command over the position and direction of the robot hand. Common utilizations of robots incorporate welding, painting, get together, dismantling, pick and spot for printed circuit sheets, bundling and marking, palletizing, item examination, and testing; all refined with high perseverance, speed, and accuracy.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 11: Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the surfboard that will keep us above water during circumstances such as the present. By and large, is the study of creating PC projects and innovations that perform complex assignments while mimicking human-like degrees of knowledge. Artificial intelligence is finding the existing sciences area and large pharma, chiefly biomedicine and medical care. Computer-based intelligence is further developing patient and clinical preliminaries' information assortment for drug advancement and reusing. Portable innovations related to Artificial Intelligence have likewise been utilized to work on patients' lives.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 12: Ethics of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) ethics is a field that has arisen as a reaction to the developing concern with respect to the effect of Artificial Intelligence. For sure, there have been a rising number of high-profile instances of damage that has come about either due to the abuse of the innovation. Man-made intelligence morals as an incipient field and as a subset of the more extensive field of computerized morals, which tends to worries raised by the turn of events and sending of new computerized innovations, for example, Artificial Intelligence, enormous information investigation, and blockchain advances.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 13: Robotics in Healthcare

Robotics is quite possibly of the most exceptional and arising innovations in the field of medication. Electronic sensors consolidated with a blend of control into mechanical frameworks enormously upgrade the presentation and adaptability of frameworks. The mechanical innovations utilized for the development of arms were not precise and unfit to send the specific tangible criticism, careful development, and situating. With the advances in equipment, programming, and control programming frameworks, broad mechanization is being used to work with more levels of opportunity than people under a broad exhibit of conditions. At present, mechanical advancements are presented in various regions that explicitly impact the comprehension and thought of patient consideration.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Scientific Session 14: How AI-powered Robots are Changing Our Life

Robotics is a field that arrangements with making humanoid machines that can carry on like people and perform exercises very much like individuals. Artificial intelligence permits robots to work keenly in different circumstances. Mechanical technology today has arrived at a phase where the mechanical arm can now recognize what material an article is made of and afterward gauge the power expected to control it. Robots are rolling out extraordinary improvements and advancements in innovation, entering each industry and social circle. Robotics, subsequently, will effectively affect your regular day-to-day existence.
Relevant Conferences: Robotics Congress | Artificial Intelligence Conferences | AI in Humanoid Robotics meeting | Robotic Surgery Conferences | Robotic Process Automation Conferences | Application of AI in Robotics summit | Mechatronics Congress | Industrial Applications of Robotics Conference
Market Analysis
The humanoid robot market was esteemed at USD 1.5 billion out of 2022 and is assessed to arrive at USD 17.3 billion by 2027, enrolling a CAGR of 63.5% somewhere in the range of 2022 and 2027. The development of the market is credited to the developing improvement of humanoid robots with cutting edge highlights, expanding utilization of humanoids as instructive robots, flooding interest for humanoid robots from retail industry for individual help, and rising interest for humanoid robot from clinical area. In any case, the high beginning expenses and innovative work costs expected for creating progressed advanced mechanics is limiting the market development. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the development of the humanoid robot market during the underlying period of 2020. The quick spread of the infection ended the commodity of humanoid robot parts, affecting the development of humanoid robots during the initial two fourth of 2020. During this emergency, the primary target of the market players was to support their organizations by tracking down more secure ways of keeping on assembling activities or other maintainable approaches to gets the income stream streaming. Notwithstanding, the interest for humanoid robots expanded in the clinical area in the later time of 2020. They were utilized in emergency clinics to guarantee the security of the clinical staff and supply food and prescriptions to the patients impacted by the infection.
The humanoid robot market players in APAC are the vital designers as well as trailblazers of the innovation; subsequently, the locale is supposed to represent the second-biggest piece of the pie of 31.4% in 2022. APAC is likely 0 to embrace humanoids for practically every one of the significant applications during the conjecture time frame. As the older populace in APAC nations, for example, China and Japan are on the ascent, the locale is supposed to utilize humanoids for the individual help and providing care application.