Program Director
Thomas J.Watson Research Center,
Dr. Lin Zhou has a Ph.D. in Physics. He successfully managed many complex global initiatives in Cognitive Education, Semiconductor and Data Storage Industries. Lin has a large number of patents and publications. For the past many years, he has been conducting peer paper reviews for several journals. In addition, he is invited by artificial intelligence conferences to give the keynote speech, and on organization committee board. IBM honors Lin as a Master Inventor which is a recognition for the most innovative IBMers. Currently, he is the Program Director of Watson Education Innovation. Lin leverages Watson cognitive capabilities to create highly engaging and personalized education solutions at scale. He also conducts research at the interception of neuroscience and learning. His passion in Education led to developing and teaching in colleges for the past decade.
Research Interest
cognitive science,security-privacy, cognitive computing, speech processing, video analytics, and neuroscience.